Welcome Back Information
Welcome back families! Please be sure to read our opening letter to find out important information about the start of the new school year. This letter will also be emailed to the address that we have on file, and we will send a phone message to families with a few important dates (and a reminder to check your email).
Be sure that we have an updated email address and phone number on file for you.
Welcome Back Letter (click here)
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Monday, August 26: Open House is 4-6pm for grades PreK-5
Thursday, August 29th: First day of school for students in grades 1-5
Monday, September 2nd: Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, September 3rd: First day of school for students in PreK and Kindergarten (if you have not already called the building to schedule your kindergartener's beginning of the year assessment, please do so as soon as possible)
Final homeroom assignments for KG-5th grade will be available in the Home Access Center but will also be posted near Door 1 at the main entrance on (8/16/24) Friday after 1pm.