Saying Goodbye to a Dear Friend
On May 16, 2024, Harris-Jackson lost one its dear, longtime partners in Mrs. Mary Hillenbrand. Many years ago, Mrs. Hillenbrand was an active PTA President when her students attended Harris Elementary when it was still on Dayton Street. Years later, she and other parents of former Harris students decided that they wanted to give back to the school that they once called home. Although the name of this special group changed a couple of times, we finally stuck with "Friends of Harris-Jackson."
Mrs. Hillenbrand was truly a friend to the Harris-Jackson community! On her birthday over the years, when she should've been the one being celebrated, she asked for "gifts" for our school. Whether it was books, non-perishable food items for families, or monetary gifts, she always found ways to bless us. Not just on her birthday, but she, along with the other Friends of Harris-Jackson (also self-named the "Old Chicks!") provided countless school supplies, clothing items, and baskets to help families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. She did so much throughout each school year to express love and care for our students and their families, and for the staff at Harris-Jackson.
We will definitely miss Mrs. Hillenbrand, but are so grateful for the time that we had to know her, and for all the time she devoted to us. Our condolences are with her family members and friends who loved her and are missing her as well.